
Juakali Initiative

Who we are.
Empowering Informal Workers for a Better Tomorrow.

Juakali Initiative is a non-profit organization that is committed to protecting and promoting the rights of informal workers. Our name derives from the Swahili term “Juakali,” which means informal work. In 2019, a group of unemployed young graduates and street vendors recognized the need for legal support for informal workers, particularly street vendors. They established the Hustlers’ Transformation Initiative, which eventually became the Juakali Initiative after receiving official registration. Our organization is dedicated to advocating for the rights of informal workers and ensuring that they have access to legal assistance when needed.

Our Services



Organising, supporting and advocating for an inclusive and gender-sensitive economy for informal workers through organizing, spatial planning, social justice, advocacy, research and media.



Working towards an inclusive, gender-sensitive and human rights economy.

Legal support for those who keep our cities running.
Advocating for the rights of the hustlers who drive our economy.
We take great pride in our work to defend and advocate for the rights of informal workers.
Our Approach

We take a multi-faceted approach to support informal workers and promote their rights. We recognize the vital role that these workers play in our communities and economies, and we are committed to supporting them in any way we can.

Legal Assitance

We provide legal assistance to informal workers who may not have access to formal legal services. This includes helping workers to understand their rights and obligations, advocating for their legal rights and protections, and providing representation in legal disputes.

The Vendor Laws in Uganda
  • The 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda
  • The Trade (licensing) (Amendment) Act Uganda Cap. 101
  • The Local Governments (Kampala City Council) (Maintenance of Law and Order) Ordinance, 2006.
  • The Trade (Licensing) (Prescription of Forms) Regulations, Statutory Instrument 101—6.
  • The Local Governments (Kampala City) (Street Traders) Byelaws, Statutory Instrument 243—23.
Our dedicated team of professionals
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships
Sophie Nabossa

Sophia worked with a public interest law firm as an administrator at  Kiiza & Mugisha Advocates and an accountant at a pharmacy. To make ends meet Sophia runs her juice stall. Being a vendor herself she leads a dynamic team that constitutes of informal workers.

Sophia Nabossa
Team Leader

A human rights lawyer who volunteers with us. She has vast experience in human rights practice and oversees our Street Justice Project where we extend legal support to informal workers.

Mutale Salimati
Chief Legal Officer

Joan is a lawyer and the Head Legal at a rights-in-development organisation, Witness Radio Uganda.org. Joan is currently an advisor to a community of urban-smallholder farmers in a Dispute Resolution Service (DRS)

Joan Bulyelari
Board Chair

Geoffrey is the Country Executive Director of a rights-in-development organisation, Witness Radio Uganda.Org that is assisting smallholder farmers to challenge land grabs by multinationals in Uganda.

Wokulira Geoffrey Ssebagala
Board Member

Florence is a market vendor, the Chairperson of Naguru Acholi Women Vendors’ Cooperative, and the current LCIII Councilor seat for Naguru.   

Aciro Florence
Board Member

Stella is an advocate of the High Court of Uganda working with Ms Rwakafuzi & Co. Advocates, a Kampala-based human rights law firm.

Stella Nakamya
Board Member

Elizabeth is a feminist and an advocate of the High Court of Uganda.

Elizabeth Nafula
Board Member